Registered Charity No. 263933

Membership is open to anybody with an interest in Norway.

There is a modest subscription, which covers admission to the normal programme, but some special events require payment for tickets. The subscription also covers our magazine, the Anglo-Norse Review, which is published twice a year and circulated to members of both the London and Oslo societies.

Enquiries about membership should be addressed to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Subscription Rates

Members under 26 and over 60 - £25

Members aged 26 to 59 - £30

Family Membership - £40

Corporate membership - £100

Subscription is due in January every year and you can pay by Bankers Order or by cheque.

New members who join after 1 July will pay for half a year.

Members may bring guests, space permitting, and these are charged £5 for normal programme events and an extra £10 for the Musical Evening.


Download Membership Form as a Word File

Download Membership Form as a PDF

Standing Order Form

After downloading the form, please complete it, print it out and send  to: The Anglo-Norse Society, c/o The Royal Norwegian Embassy, 25 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8QD